Age-Related Changes To A Man'S Sexual Organs


With an increasing age, the male body undergoes various changes in their sexual organs and reproductive system. Such changes are part of the natural aging process and can impact their sexual function, fertility, and overall sexual health.

Here are some common changes that happen in men’s sexual organs with age:

Hormonal imbalances  

In men, the role of regulating sexual function is primarily done by the testosterone hormone. Testosterone is the primary sex hormone in males. It gets produced in abundance when males hit puberty.

Its levels are generally at a peak during the period of adolescence. After the age of 30, the levels of this hormone start declining gradually.

With its declination, some individuals may begin to develop some symptoms of low testosterone.

These symptoms include low sex drive or libido, lack of interest in sex, loss of muscle mass, decrease in bone density, low energy, erectile dysfunction (ED), or fertility problems.

Besides testosterone, several other hormones necessary for sexual health like luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), and sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) may also start to decline with age.

Testicular changes

With increasing age, the size of the testicles may gradually decrease. The testicles may also lose firmness and appear weak. Apart from that, as the testicular size shrinks, this affects the person's fertility.

The sperm production may not happen properly. This leads to decreased sperm count, volume, and quality. Even though sperm production may decline over time, men may continue to produce sperm throughout their lives.

Changes in penile

Some men may start experiencing difficulties with their erection function. They may struggle to achieve and maintain erections, firm enough for sexual intercourse. This condition is known as erectile dysfunction (ED).

Although a sexual difficulty like ED can be managed with ED medications such as Assurans 20. These pills revive the erection function in the presence of sexual arousal.

Besides, men might also lose penile sensitivity with age. This might affect their ability to get sexual pleasure and satisfaction. Older men require more sexual stimulation to reach an orgasm.

Ejaculatory changes

As men age, their ejaculatory function may change. They may lose their control over their ejaculatory function. This can cause them to either ejaculate before the desired time or get a delayed response.

In addition, their ejaculation volume may also decrease as they age. During the younger years, their ejaculation volume is generally good. This is the most fertile time in their life.

However, as they gradually get older, their ejaculation volume decreases. This may not happen necessarily in every male, but is quite possible.

Prostate gland changes

The prostate is a gland in the pelvic region in males. It may keep growing throughout men’s lives. As males approach their 50s, their chances of getting prostate enlargement become high.

This condition is called benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).  This condition can trigger urinary symptoms such as increased frequency, urgency, weak urine stream, and difficulty emptying the bladder.  

Besides, aging can also potentiate the risk of prostate cancer in males. Although not all men will develop prostate cancer there is still a risk of it.

To prevent the risk of prostate cancer, men can get routine screening tests. These tests include prostate-specific antigen (PSA) testing and digital rectal examination (DRE).

Early detection will allow timely treatment, which eliminates the risk of health complications.


Men can continue to produce sperm cells throughout their lives. However, the health and the quality of the sperm may decline with increasing age. The sperm quality may not be at par.

This can happen because of morphology issues. Their motility, which is the ability to swim swiftly to the egg to fertilize it, may also impacted. Overall, the quality and quantity of sperm may decline.  

Seek expert support

Keep in mind, not all men will undergo the same changes or to the same extent. Several other factors can impact the health of their sexual organs. These factors include overall health, lifestyle habits, and genetic predisposition.

These factors can influence the rate and severity of age-related changes occurring in the sexual organs and reproductive system function of males.

It is essential to get regular medical check-ups, which involve routine examinations and discussions about sexual health and concerns. Regular and timely check-ups can help identify and address any age-related changes or concerns about sexual function early on.  

Besides, it is also important to take care of your health by eating right, managing stress, exercising, giving up smoking and alcohol. These positive habits have a huge impact on your sexual health.

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