Erectile Dysfunction

Why Viagra May Not Work And What To Do About It

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Viagra is the most prescribed medication for erectile dysfunction (ED). It is an FDA-approved drug that comes in three doses – 25 mg, 50 mg, and 100 mg. Your healthcare provider will prescribe a suitable dose as per the need of your condition.

Viagra is generally considered to be the most effective medication for erectile dysfunction. However, it might not produce the required effect in some men. This blog will discuss the reasons why Viagra might fail to deliver the desired results in some men.     

Top three reasons why Viagra might not work   

Health conditions   

People take medications to manage some health conditions. Certain types of medications can interact with Viagra and lower its effectiveness. Their interaction can also lead to some adverse side reactions.

This is why it is necessary to inform your healthcare provider about your health conditions before you use Viagra. You must make them aware of the medications you are currently using.

Do not forget to inform them if you are already taking herbal supplements or some over-the-counter (non-prescription) drugs. This will lower your risk of developing side effects after drug-drug interaction.

They might either increase the dose of Viagra or they might prescribe you some other medication to manage your erectile dysfunction issue.  

Low dose

Sometimes the dose you are using can be actually lower than the required. Suppose you are experiencing moderate to severe forms of impotence issues, then your dose mustn’t be mild one, instead, you will need a medium or high dose.   

A mild dose can be helpful for those facing minor difficulties with their erection function. If you are using low-dose Viagra medicines and not getting the desired results, then you must discuss this with your healthcare provider. They will make slight changes to your dose by raising it.    

Lack of sexual arousal

Viagra does not produce its effects in the absence of sexual arousal. The medication works only in the presence of sexual arousal. The person using Viagra has to be sexually stimulated in order for erections to occur.   

The pill does not trigger erections on its own. Some sexual stimulation must be initiated. Arousal has a pivotal role here. Lack of sexual stimulation does not lead to arousal, as a result, the effects of the pill will not be yielded. 

Other reasons why Viagra might not work

According to the Healthline website, the reasons why the pill might not work apart from those that are listed above are:

Taking the pill before or after a large or high-fat meal

The pill might not produce its desired effects when taken before or after a heavy meal. The effectiveness of the pill is massively impacted. This may happen, as heavy and high-fat meals take longer to be digested. This will delay the digestion and assimilation of the pill in the blood stream.

The pill requires around 30 minutes to 1 hour to be fully assimilated into the bloodstream. Therefore, avoid taking the pill immediately after the meal. Preferably, one can use the pill any time after an hour post meal.    

Avoid Viagra-Alcohol interaction

Excessive consumption of alcohol can reduce the effectiveness of the pill. Alcohol has psychoactive properties. It can alter mental functions and interfere with arousal. Due to a lack of arousal, the pill will not be able to restore the erection function.   

Their interaction not only lowers the effectiveness of the pill, but also gives rise to side effects such as low blood pressure, dizziness, nausea, and lightheadedness.

Besides, too much alcohol can exacerbate the symptoms of erectile dysfunction. Therefore, it is necessary to avoid consuming alcohol if you are planning to use the pill.   

Low testosterone

People with low levels of testosterone face difficulties in getting the effects of Viagra. Testosterone is the hormone, which primarily regulates the sexual function in males. Low levels of it can decrease the sex drive (libido), reduce sexual desire, and cause impotence issues.

The healthcare provider may prescribe testosterone replacement therapy to increase testosterone levels. This can make the pill give its required result.

Viagra alternatives


Cialis medicines have identical functions to Viagra. These are made from the Tadalafil component. Tadalafil is a PDE5 inhibitor that increases the flow of blood to the penile. It helps restore the erection function. These are also approved by the FDA.   


These pills contain Vardenafil as their active ingredient. Vardenafil is also a PDE5 inhibitor. The effectiveness of these pills last for 4 to 5 hours. These are FDA-approved as well.  


Fildena medicines also contain the same active ingredient as Viagra. It offers the same benefits as Viagra. This work is identical to Viagra.   

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