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Whats The Best Way You Prevent Viagra Headache

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Viagra can be a great stimulator to harder erections. Men experiencing erection difficulties can benefit from these pills. Although it's not a permanent cure for the erection problems, they help attain harder erections until its effects last.

Viagra does have great benefits, but it triggers some side reactions. The common side effects of this medicine are headache, dizziness, flushing, insomnia, upset stomach, and blurred vision.

Headache is the most common among all. Some might develop a mild headache after taking a low-dose pill. The higher dose of Viagra can produce moderate-intensity headaches. In this blog, we will see how to manage these headaches.

Why does Viagra cause headaches?

The effects of Viagra are not restricted to the penile tissues only, it is experienced throughout the body. The medicine works by causing vasodilation in the body.

The nerves of the blood vessels and muscles indicate it to the brain, as they change due to Viagra’s action. The nerves overload the brain with signals. Also, there is an increased blood flow happening in the brain because of Viagra.

The combination of blood flow and nerve signals leads to headaches.

How long does the Viagra headache last?

The headaches induced by Viagra generally last for a few hours, until the effects of the pill are active. The headache will subside gradually as the medicine loses its effectiveness. 

The intensity of headaches will differ among individuals. Some might experience mild forms of headaches while others may develop severe forms of it. This difference in intensity can be a result of various factors.

In some individuals, the headaches will persist for a day. It can take the form of migraines. But there are indeed some ways that can help alleviate the headaches induced by Viagra.

Moreover, sticking to the dose that is recommended by your doctor can prevent Viagra-induced headaches. Overdosing can potentiate the risk of severe headaches and other side effects.

Effective ways to prevent Viagra induced headaches

Given below are the best ways in which you can manage your headaches:

Lower the dose: Intense headaches or migraines can be felt because of a high dose. The higher the dose, the more intense will be the side effects. Low doses of Viagra may or may not cause headaches. Even if a headache occurs, it can be mild.

The reason behind intense headaches and migraines can be high doses of Viagra. You can consider using a lower of it. For that, discuss it with your healthcare provider. They will make changes to your dose by reducing it.

Stay hydrated: In general, dehydration is the common cause of headaches. Lack of adequate hydration in combination with Viagra leads to intense headaches and migraines.

Sexual activity also makes the body lose water or moisture through sweating. Besides, if you smoke, consume alcohol, and consume excessive caffeine beverages, you might lose too much hydration. In such cases, the pill can lead to severe forms of headaches.

Maintain a significant gap between meals and Viagra: Taking the pill after meals can reduce its effectiveness. Besides, the possibility of side effects is also high as the activation of the pill will be delayed.

Meals that are generally high in fats or oil can impact the Viagra function. Delayed effects of Viagra can cause headaches.  

Take an OTC medicine: Some over the counter medicines can be very helpful in alleviating the symptoms of headaches. You can also talk to your doctor for prescribing you a medicine to manage the headaches.   

Use another ED medicine: If the headaches cannot be managed despite trying other ways, then you can talk to your doctor to prescribe you another medicine. They might either prescribe you a Viagra generic like Kamagra or some Viagra alternative like Cialis or Levitra.   

How do medicines like Viagra work?

Viagra medicines work by increasing the supply of blood to the penile arteries. An increase in the blood flow to the penile improves the erection mechanism. Viagra boosts the flow of blood by suppressing the action of certain enzymes that affect erections.      

Some enzymes block the blood flow in the penile arteries. Viagra inhibits the enzyme’s action and expands the penile arteries. Expansion of arteries allows more blood flow in the penile, which eases the erection function.     

The lowdown   

Headache is not an uncommon symptom of Viagra. It is manageable with strategies like lowering the dose, using another ED medicine, staying hydrated, and taking some OTC pain relievers. 

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